The Colosseum

The Colosseum photo

City : Rome

Country : Italy

Level 4    45GC

The Colosseum or Coliseum is an oval amphitheater in the center of Rome. It is the largest amphitheater ever built. The place could hold between 50,000 to 80,000 spectators. It was used for gladiators fights, public spectacles, animal hunts... The Colosseum appears on the five-cent euro coin.[Read more about this place]

Le Colisée est un amphithéâtre ovale au coeur de Rome. C'est le plus grand amphitéâtre jamais construit. Il pouvait accueillir de 50 à 80000 personnes. Il servait aux combats de gladiateurs, aux spectacles, aux chasses... Le Colisée figure sur la pièce de 5 centimes d'euro.