The Great Wall

The Great Wall photo

City : Qinhuangdao

Country : China

Level 4    40GC

The Great Wall of China is a series of fortifications built, destroyed and re-built between the 3rd century BC and the 17th century to settle and defend the Northern borders of China. It is the longest architectural structure ever built by Man. According to different sources, the Wall may be about 6,700 kilometers long. It is 6 to 7 meters high and 4 to 5 meters wide.[Read more about this place]

La Grande Muraille de Chine est un ensemble de fortifications militaires chinoises construites, détruites et reconstruites entre le IIIe siècle av. JC. et le XVIIe siècle pour marquer et défendre la frontière nord de la Chine. C'est la structure architecturale la plus importante jamais construite par l’Homme. Selon les sources, la longueur totale des murs est de 6700km. Elle mesure 6 à 7m de haut et 4 à 5m de large.